Monday, September 28, 2009


I thought that today was going to be a pin because I had to work alone in my class room, but luckily I only had 3 kids to look after and I rather enjoyed myself. I'm glad that I didn't have to deal with two specific children, but that is mainly because all they want to do is be sourpusses and cry all day. I don't need that.

Here is what I did at work today:
In at 6:15, did the bleach bottles and the paper towels and rugs
Opened at 6:30
Tidied up classroom and did the lesson plan for the week
My 3 kids came in and a I fed/changed diapers when necessary
9:00 went over the words of the week, counting, colors and sang songs
10:00 went out for a walk in the buggies around the facility and the kids touched and smelled the trees
10:30 Inside to tidy up the room and clean the toys while the kids were in the bouncers
11:00 lunch for the kids, set up for quiet time and change diapers
12:00 quiet time and my break time (which ends at 12:45)
2:00 Change diapers, set the room back for class time and hung out till 3 when I finally get to leave.

After work, I went to get my oil changed by a delicious man with an accent at Jiffy Lube and then i went to the mall to buy two books (Bran Hambric: The Farfield Cruse by Kaleb Nation and The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau Banks by E. Lockhart) a pair of skinny jeans (though I am far from skinny) a chain with a cross pendant (cause it was cute and it was $3) and some concentrated air freshener for my car and hand sanitizer from Bath and body works.

I don't know why I was in a spending mood, but I was. Sometimes i would rather have the stuff than the money because the money doesn't do me any good when it's just green paper in my wallet. I would rather have things that serve a purpose. What's the point of having the money if you won't do anything with it? (what happened to the days of "do you wanna trade your tuna for my pb&j" but that is a whol other topic.)

C and I were supposed to hang out today and have out Martini Monday, but (surprise, surprise) she flaked. Better for my anyway; I'd rather go to work with a clear head.

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