Friday, September 18, 2009

A long day

It certainly has been a long and tiresome day. I almost passed out at work, today. When you combine heat, no air flow, hunger, florescent lighting and excessive movement, you get an effect that almost feels like a hang over.

I had to work with the younger toddlers for the third time this week and I was exhausted. Keeping in mind that I wake up at 5am, eat at 5:30am and then have my lunch at 12pm, one can imagine that by 10:30am I was starving and feeling lightheaded after having chased 13 children on the playground (in 60 something degree weather and entering into a classroom that was 80 something degrees). Drastic temperature changes are very bad to me. My head and my back were hurting like crazy. I felt like the air was stinging my skin.

Nothing helped. I had water, nope. A muffin, nope. A 45 minute nap during my lunch break, nope.

After work, I took another nap, which helped a little and then I did something rather dumb. I went to the movies to see Love Happens, which didn't really have a lot of love happening, and surprisingly enough, I feel better. I don't know how , but I do. So now, I'm just going to relax in my not very comfortable bed and see if I can have a good dream, unlike last night. Heidi, Spencer, Will Robinson and Damon from the Vampire Diaries were all trying to kill me. Crazy as hell, right? No wonder I was feeling like crap today.

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