Thursday, April 02, 2009


I went on a nature walk today and took some cool pictures along the way. I'll post all of them in my other blog, but here's a sneak peak at a couple of the pictures.

It looks like someone loves someone. I found this while I was walking out of my development to get into the woods by Bushkill Creek. At least someone is getting some love.

I wanted to take a nice picture of myself amongst the nature, but the only way I could look decent and natural was if I looked away. So I looked to the heavens and I said, "Lord, I better look good in this picture." Then the Lord and I looked at it and we both said it was good. haha

Now, this is some prettiness. This is a view of Bushkill Creek here in Easton, PA.

This is a captured moment when Maureen Johnson was on blogtv last night doing her seagull impression, and playing Cupid for the Nerdfighters. That woman is crazy as hell, but I love her.

Here is a screen cap from "Lost in Austen" that I really wanted to share. Yes that is Fitzwilliam Darcy and no that is not Elizabeth Bennet.

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